The statement provoked a sharp rebuke from the Democratic leadership.
Despite this sharp rebuke, Mussolini showed up for work the next day as usual.
The Iowa inquiry is only the latest in which the service has come under sharp rebuke.
But the verdict was overturned in 1989 with a sharp rebuke to the prosecution.
It was the kind of answer that usually brought a sharp rebuke.
Madouc sent him back the way he had come with a sharp rebuke.
They were nearing the end of the session when she broke the silence with that sharp rebuke.
But they could not agree on removal from office or a sharp rebuke.
She would have replied but froze at a sharp rebuke from an older woman further along the stone workbench.
Usually when a committee member suggests an idea, Angela immediately shoots it down with a mean comment or sharp rebuke.
But the spring optimists got a harsh rebuke this weekend.
He served in the War of the Sixth Coalition before a harsh rebuke from the emperor effectively ended his military career.
The three European countries have in the past resisted American pressure to deliver a harsher rebuke to Iran.
Her harshest rebuke would be simply "Your father would not have liked that."
This conception has therefore drawn harsh rebuke from some theologians.
She faced increasingly harsh rebukes and criticism as a pacifist.
The hive queen's thoughts abruptly changed from pleading to harsh rebuke.
Nonetheless, his treatment in the movies was a harsh rebuke for a man who had embraced Hollywood since his early adulthood.
The harshest rebukes come from what might be called the utopian left.
"God is not a golfer," one of the journals said in harsh rebuke.