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Often one of the biggest questions parents have when it comes to swaddling is: "How tight?"
I was already a priest when you were still in swaddling."
He was still wrapped tight in his own rope swaddling.
Your baby will probably calm with some well done swaddling and shushing.
He takes a pair of scissors and for the first time removes the child's swaddling.
There are several empirical studies that clearly demonstrate the negative effects of swaddling.
Who could tell with so much burnous swaddling and veiling?
"Here he is," her mother said, approaching with a babe wrapped in swaddling.
The swaddling keeps them warm and makes them feel secure.
Today, though, this place wore a different swaddling: that of inner sanctum.
His children had grown up in fear and in a swaddling of love - a bad combination.
The classical study by Lipton et al. of 1965 dealt with a modern swaddling form.
Reaching over, she carefully pulled aside the upper swaddling.
My Master caught him easily, as if he were no more than a great swaddling of evil-smelling wool.
I was fighting Saxons while you were wetting your swaddling bands!
The newborn at the end is either a doll or cloth wrapped to resemble a baby's swaddling.
All at once, the black swaddling of coal became more tight, constricting, suffocating, than ever.
In the study, 37 infants, 9 of whom slept mostly on their stomachs, were tested with different swaddling.
One narrow foot, looking as fragile as porcelain, extended from the swaddling.
My decurion would not have let himself be taken by four pasty-faced children late out of swaddling.
Wilted carnations from the Korean deli, trapped in their sad paper swaddling.
Its battling against the swaddling was vigorous.
Through the swaddling, I could see that he was a middle-aged black man of medium height, slim, with a face of stone.
Also for reducing pain in such care actions as for instance the blood collecting at the heel, swaddling is used.
He made sure that the sleep was genuine, also that the blanket swaddling was efficient.