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But a really foul appearance can come through every swathing and speak to every sense.
It was hard to tell with the bandages swathing the youth's corn-coloured head.
He studied the painted lid of the coffin again, and once more the body nestled in its dusty swathing.
He was naked except for the bandage between his legs, held in place by a swathing of tape around his hips.
Beneath the swathing I was naked.
She pulled it out of the case, then unwound the double barrel from its swathing of silk and wool.
He hadn't stirred in so long that the fire ants had quietly returned to their dank hideaway inside his surgical swathing.
Amanda Savard stood on the front step, the black velvet scarf swathing her head, hiding her wounds.
Alicen quickly reapplied his swathing.
As in the rest of the house, the decor was relentlessly Victorian, highly eclectic and dim due to excessive swathing of the windows.
They went upstairs to the big drawing-room and pulled up some of the blinds and removed the swathing from one of the sofas.
"Look at that," he said conversationally, bending down to poke with Khavrinen at something jutting from the white swathing.
"He goes with you," said Lakla, and threw about Yolara a swathing that covered the exquisite, alluring body.
Some 85 to 90 percent of this nation is controlled by the Taliban, known worldwide for their justice by amputation and the forced head-to-toe swathing of women.
I then forthwith began "Yet in my mortal swathing, I ascend To higher regions, and am hither come Through the fearful agony of hell.
She passed through a curtaining; then as swiftly as she had gone she returned through the hangings, tresses braided, a swathing of golden gauze about her.
The face, within the muffled swathing which covered all the hair, was wrinkled and worn by years, but the lips curved in a smile which was open and welcoming.
Then she wept and with her wept the old woman, who, going up to Abu al-Hasan and uncovering his face, saw his eyes bound and swollen for the swathing.
Around this swathing, for about two-thirds of the length of the trunk from the hips upward, were several turns of a well-made twisted cord, fastened in what is called the half-hitch, in good preservation.'
The manor had come to Sharington's great-grandfather Henry Sharington, who was steward to the Bishop of Ely, when he married Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of Edmund de Swathing.
He started toward the corner where the instrument stood beneath a swathing of hides, recoiled as an explosion of sparks scattered across the floor, then dove forward, swatting the bits of burning thatch away like flies.
Bondswomen in the tent offered her tea, sweets, mirrors, makeup, and hair oil, and helped her put on the complex swathing of fine red-and-yellow cloth, her costume for her brief enactment of Lady Tual.
The bandage swathing his cracked rib heaved to a quickened and apprehensive heartbeat, and the eyes that fixed steadily upon Cadfael were not greenish hazel, but almost as dark as the tangle of black curls.
But short of getting dressed, or rummaging in the hall cupboard for her Burberry, or swathing herself in her duvet and sweeping ornaments to the ground as she tiptoed through the sitting-room, she couldn't think of any solution.
But when he was perhaps the length of its search stick away, it moved with a speed he would not have thought possible for such a walking skeleton, swinging that same stick around to trip him up, while from the swathing of rags hooding its head came a shrill cackling.