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The night was very warm, but her sweaty clothes felt chilly.
Namath does not have a chance to change out of his sweaty clothes before a long line forms around him.
If your skin is easily irritated, you should probably change sweaty clothes and sheets right away, too.
In addition to bathing our bodies, sweaty clothes should be washed frequently as well.
Finally, she wandered over to the lake, stripped off her sweaty clothes, and dove in.
Not changing sweaty clothes can also lead to jock itch.
He is a young man who has grown his beard and wears the sweaty clothes of the workforce.
The sack itself was foul and close, with the ammonia-stink of old, sweaty clothes.
Got rid of the sweaty clothes and got in.
Jane threw her sweaty clothes off and fought her way into the bag next to him.
I sat down on the bed, pulled off my tennis shoes and shed my sweaty clothes.
If you have pimples on your body, take off your sweaty clothes right after sports and jump in the shower.
He opened the gym bag, and removed the damp towel, and the sweaty clothes.
Frequently he would come back from baseball practice, strip off his sweaty clothes, and flop onto his bed.
The men's sweaty clothes were burned right off them, and their scraggly beards seared.
I took off my sweaty clothes layer by layer and left them in a damp pile on the floor.
Don't stay in wet or sweaty clothes.
The room was stuffy and musky, that teen odor from too many sweaty clothes laying around.
But the women had just giggled and ducked their heads as they helped her out of her filthy, sweaty clothes.
In Schenectady and Amsterdam, they woke up to find their sweaty clothes had been freshly laundered.
Inside his sweaty clothes, carrying all that weight, Denny keeps getting skinnier and skinnier.
Once he was certain he had heard correctly, Molina finally, almost reluctantly, began to strip off his sweaty clothes and headed for the shower.
Working frantically, he stripped to the skin and stuffed his sweaty clothes into the hamper, then he went to work on Kevin.
Letting myself into my silent house in Shakespeare, I peeled off my sweaty clothes and headed for the shower.
Her nose twitched to the smell: mouldy and fetid like sweaty clothes left to stew in a plastic bag.