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With the proposed improvements, he predicted, its water would become clean and swimmable.
This act has done much to make America's waters fishable and swimmable.
The water quality of the river north of the ring road must be swimmable.
Chicago, of course, was a great place to start, with Lake Michigan swimmable there.
At least one of the others was a fully swimmable tail worn by the actress.
"Our goal is to help make the river as swimmable and fishable as possible."
But more work remains for the city to achieve the Federal environmental goal of "fishable and swimmable waters."
It is made of cedar and is almost swimmable.
That way a sound is a swimmable strait.
Congress ardently desires to make America's waters swimmable and fishable once again.
Up here the river's almost swimmable again.
My question concerned water, the water of Lake Ontario, and whether it would ever be swimmable again.
This effects how 'swimmable' and 'fishable' the lakes are.
Those efforts have helped the Hudson inch closer to the healthy, swimmable river that it was before industry sprouted along its banks.
Some had their own tiny bays — swimmable watering holes — sometimes a perfect little town center.
True, many of its fish still carry contaminants and not all of its waters are swimmable.
All the better if it's swimmable.
Make 100% of District waterways fishable and swimmable.
It’s elegant and friendly: expect women tottering on absurd stilettos down to the very swimmable sea.
Not having swimmable beaches while being surrounded by water is as logical as a submarine with screen doors.
Accessibility to national parks, swimmable city beaches -- basically a dream come true for a nature lover.
However, by the standards of swimmable mermaid tails, the exceptionally detailed film tail was difficult to remove.
Since Weld's stunt, the river's condition has improved dramatically, although it was not deemed entirely swimmable by 2005.
But these gorgeous bodies of cool water lie closer to Columbus Circle than almost any swimmable lakes in the region.
It also has swimmable water.