But the brother has yet to get permission for his fourth child, a newborn son, to leave.
Long ago, they took from me my wife and newborn son.
In addition to her husband and newborn son, she left a 1-year-old daughter.
When she wonders of her newborn son, "Where was he before?"
He was pronounced dead at hospital, leaving a wife and newborn son.
Which is correct, and how does a parent with a newborn son make the decision?
In addition to filing for divorce, she takes their newborn son back to Chicago.
Without medical benefits, he was forced to come up with $240 fast to get his wife and newborn son out of the hospital.
Many years ago I was asked to be godfather to an old friend's newborn son.
The couple are poor but happy, until he dies upon seeing his newborn son for the first time.
The woman with the baby son was gone by then.
On 12 September 2007, he became father of a baby son.
He does not know what happened to his baby son.
In fact, one had brought along his wife and baby son.
They are shown as young married people, playing with their baby son.
He was the last hope for his parents, who had already lost three baby sons.
The couple have a 3-month-old baby son, and all seems to be well.
And he thought his baby son was also not one of them.
The next morning he sent off a note for his baby son.
He walks out on her and takes their baby son.