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As the indigenous populations declined over the 16th century, new systems of land use were implemented.
Neither did indigenous systems of land use persist uncontaminated by the adoption of new plants or animals.
As such, most jurisdictions now have a system of land use planning (e.g. zoning) that describes what activities are acceptable in a given location.
He also curtailed urban sprawl by reforming the system of land use planning to preserve open spaces and agricultural districts.
"Economic means must apply to the use of land," he said, "so the existing system of land use must undergo reform.
Sometimes the transformation of the landscape was so complete that evidence of former systems of land use were completely erased, leaving evidence only of grazing.
The system of land use planning in Britain, and its implementation, is designed to produce specific results in land use patterns and benefits for the environment.
Chapter 13 DRYLANDS By the year 1911 northern Colorado had evolved a system of land use which had to be judged one of the most advantageous in the world.
The picture is complicated by the fact that nowhere do we find a straightforward replacement of indigenous populations by Spaniards or of indigenous systems of land use and land management by Spanish systems.
As we have seen, the addition of alien animals and their population explosion and crash, or the development of new systems of land use such as mining and grazing, brought about often profound changes in the physical environment.
In another case, he analyzed primordial pollen gains to discover that arid and dusty parts of India had previously been much wetter, and he devised a system of land use that helped reduce the overgrazing that had caused the dryness.