He turned with a sly smile and took my measure.
Then with a sly smile, he raised his arms high.
One side of her mouth turned up in a sly smile.
After a moment of thought, Green's face broke into a sly smile.
"You're welcome to come across the street and use my office," I said with a sly smile.
She looked into his eyes and gave him a sly smile.
It was probably five minutes before a sly smile started to spread across her face.
A new slow, sly smile appeared over the old one.
We learn them in school, he said, with a sly smile.
He looked down at his cup and gave a sly smile.
The kid looked up at Beth with a wicked grin.
Her heart gave a small leap of interest that a wicked grin could still light his face.
She came up with a wicked grin and tapped his arm.
She looked over her shoulder at him with a wicked grin, and he laughed.
He gave her a wicked grin and she shut the door with a snap.
Then he looked up at Matt with a wicked grin.
With a wicked grin she added, "What are we going to do about it?"
"Maybe we'll just write our own book then," he said with a wicked grin.
A wicked grin wiped the questions right off her face.
His wicked grin was the only answer she would ever need.
It was quite a wicked smile, actually, for a bishop.
A smile, very feminine and rather wicked, lit her face.
"And I intend to stay in bed all afternoon," he said with a wicked smile.
He smiled the most wicked smile she had ever seen.
A sad but wicked smile spread across the girl's face.
With a wicked smile she asked, "What was that all about?"
Really, that wicked smile did strange things to her stomach.
She acknowledged all this with a wicked little smile of her own.
Then he gave her one of his wonderfully wicked smiles.
Then, slowly, a wicked smile began spreading across his face.
Paula looked at me with what could only be an impish smile.
"We wanted to see what he could do," the coach said with an impish smile.
She thought for a second, and an impish smile formed on her face.
A few minutes later an impish smile crossed her face.
He bowed again, and she gave him an impish little smile.
There was a pause, and he looked at me with his impish smile.
Data lay there looking up at them, an impish smile on his face.
He was a short man with an impish quick smile.
With an impish smile, he led me down the stairs from his office into the kitchen.
In the dark he could barely make out her impish smile.
Two can play at this game, he thought, hiding a roguish smile.
"Just what they told you," answered the slight man with a roguish smile.
Handsome as sin, with his dark eyes and roguish smile.
He did not look up to her, and she could see the roguish smile that curled on his lips.
Don put on his best roguish smile, the one that invariably worked.
No cat appeared and she turned to me with a roguish smile.
A sudden rather roguish smile appeared on the old man's face.
With a roguish smile, he came close and saw that she looked a decade older.
"Which," he adds with a roguish smile, "is the only opinion I actually value."
She was looking at me with a roguish smile now.