Outside his notorious gore canon, Lewis pursued a wide gamut of other exploitation avenues throughout the sixties.
This one sounded larger than the other, and its notes carried more force and a wider gamut of tones.
Speculative sacrifices run a wide gamut from "What kind of a stunt is that?"
His students were brought through an unusually wide gamut of theological subject-matter and an approach to a theology concerned with the real world.
Screens of each color overprinted on one another create a wide gamut of color.
The charges against the city have run a wide gamut.
"There is a patchwork of state statutes out there, but they run a pretty wide gamut."
The surrounding performances run a wide gamut of styles that mesh fairly well, though not all are as finely tuned as they might be.
Our children run a wide gamut in abilities but have encountered a responsive and versatile school district.
As the Thai major related his sketchy account, Charn's face ran a wide gamut of emotions.