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Heavy tainting can have some random effects on the person, other than the lack of feelings and the red eyes.
It's obvious, though, that some tainting, unspoken knowledge is always hovering between him and Kate.
Tainting is the only true magic,' said Byrd.
The practice also prevents tainting of the meat by prolonged storage before refrigeration.
Perhaps the tainting of the Communion wafers was only a way to test the breadth and range of that power.
She is terribly afraid I may be hurt, but far more afraid of the tainting of my soul.
But there is a small price to be paid for my help-and for the tainting of my song."
Somebody else engineered the tainting of the shipment and then the delivery of the tainted stuff to all the royal family members.
Jury sequestration is the isolation of a jury to avoid accidental or deliberate tainting.
"I personally witnessed the tainting of about one-third of all ballots in Port-au-Prince."
A theory by Kiel is that her mother kept Kharla to see how such a young girl could survive with such a heavy tainting.
Summers speculates that fear of disclosure might supply the motive for the Watergate burglary, an element in the tainting of yet a second election.
But it had an under-layer of reddish brown, a tainting of its clarity with a cloudy darkness, that most definitely resembled watery blood.
Krill must be processed within one to three hours after capture due to the rapid enzymatic breakdown and the tainting of the meat by the intestines.
Yet in the end he did not because the mutates were sterile and so in his opinion, they were not a tainting of his work.
The headlines: Troubled Waiter Admits Tainting Food.
Caporael also states there was an abundance of rye in the region as well as climate conditions that could support the tainting of rye.
Problems that revolve around things such as logistics and liability "are fixable," said Mr. Butler, the Colorado scientist; the tainting of a pristine environment is not.
'He participated in the tainting of research and analysis advice," Mr. Galvin said of Mr. Quattrone.
In this case the public perception is more of a spectacular failure, than a spectacular success, resulting in potentially an unfair tainting of the lean manufacturing philosophies.
The Biba models are more clearly useful in, for example, military classification systems to prevent the theft of information and the tainting of information at higher classification levels, respectively.
In the United States, where no such tainting occurred, the Metropolitan Opera has had no urgent incentive to take a fresh look at the "Ring des Nibelungen."
Knowing Leto would soon be off to Ix and at risk of moral tainting, she innocently made the suggestion as she nibbled on a mouthful of lemon-broiled fish.
My purpose was to find out the status of the investigation, which has been delayed by the tainting of evidence by some illegal eavesdropping (euphemized as "monitoring") within the Department of State.