"tandetny" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "tandetny" in Polish


  1. cheap ***
    • tani, tandetny (np. wino, jedzenie)
      You can't serve this wine to your guests, it's cheap!
      This cheap food makes me sick.
  2. shoddy
    • tandetny, byle jaki, lipny, kiepski, partacki informal
      badly made
      The woman was wearing shoddy jewellery.
      He drives a luxury car, but lives in a shoddy little flat.
      I'd personally be ashamed to accept such a shoddy victory.
      link synonym: tacky
  3. tacky
  4. sleazy
  5. tawdry
    • krzykliwy, tandetny, niegustowny
      This shop sells tawdry clothes and jewellery.
      The furnishings in her house are tawdry.
  6. trashy
  7. cheesy , also: cheesey
  8. tinny
  9. ticky-tacky
  10. brashy
  11. sixpenny
  12. cheap and nasty  
  13. trumpery
  14. down-market BrE , downmarket BrE , downscale AmE
  15. Brummagem , also: brummagem
  16. rubbishy
  17. cheapo   informal
  18. gimcrack   informal
  19. naff , naffing
  20. schlock , shlock , schlocky    AmE informal
  21. cheap-jack
  22. chintzy
  23. rinky-dink    AmE informal
  24. chavvy BrE not polite
  25. scaffy ScoE dialect  
  26. poor-ass slang
  27. drecky
  28. janky slang , jankety , jank

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