He gave out that information just to get a cheap thrill.
Sneaking into a married woman's house for a cheap thrill?
It was as though I was a cheap thrill to her.
Maybe after he was finished with the blonde he'd go for her, give her a cheap thrill.
He continued, "Mastery of the cheap thrill doesn't carry no matter how amusing."
"Message T-shirts were always a cheap thrill, but in cashmere, it costs a little more to get your meaning across."
It's racial conversation as a one-night stand, a cheap thrill.
She was not in the mood to accommodate Ravnos's need for a cheap thrill.
We'd needed fewer precautions earlier, when I was human and we made like tourists seeking a quick, cheap thrill.
And I think she got a cheap thrill out of busting up the two of us.