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In 1957 it developed and made its own magnetic tape heads.
The current position of the tape head on the tape.
Tape head sizes at this writing: 128-track, 256-track and 384-track.
Cleaning the tape head is recommended after approximately 24 hours of operation.
Wherever the tape head lands, it picks up the entire picture.
As the tape heads jump around, they land on compressed parts of the picture.
The path of the tape heads makes an arc.
The tape head in the player could play any of the four parallel tracks, based on which button was pressed.
As a result, the tape heads will require occasional cleaning to remove such particles.
The current state of the finite state machine which operates the tape head.
One tape head records an entire picture field.
On this tape are symbols, which the machine can read and write, one at a time, using a tape head.
When a key is pressed the tape head contacts the tape and plays a sound.
Like styluses, the tape heads inside a recorder require occasional cleaning.
This is because the tape heads are stationary.
Some otherwise normal recording tapes included sections of leader that could clean the tape heads.
Instead of recording analog magnetic patterns, however, the tape head records binary code.
Then the tape head looked elsewhere and it flew to pieces, its colors racing fretfully.
Reacher heard no sound for a moment until the blank leader cleared the tape head.
This is due to tapes riding slightly uneven over tape heads with changing fidelity.
Their first album under the label, Tape Head, signaled a new era for the band.
A series of tape head were distributed around the disk, in contact with the tape and their position could be moved along the circle.
Tape head misalignment (azimuth) also will cause a phase change in upper frequencies.
Video is applied by the tape heads, to the tape, in a diagonal angle.
That means that upon playback, the tape head has to switch back and forth between channels.