Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The workings of the US tariff code have particular importance.
Both the tariff code and the amount of the premium included within the call price can be looked up in Ofcom's list.
Each block will have a specific revenue-share amount that applies, indicated by a tariff code such as g8, g11 or ff29.
Various changes to Tariff codes and rates.
These give long-term clarification of the Tariff code or origin of your goods.
Revenue share takes many forms, with dozens of tariff codes covering a range of "premium" amounts.
'The court rules,' he said solemnly, 'that the bicycles in question are "articles of production" within the meaning of the tariff code.
The tariff code can be converted to the price paid by looking in the separate table of charges published by each Originating landline provider.
A typical negotiation involves altering the present distinction in the tariff code between ornamented and nonornamented cotton apparel.
Original sculptures and statuary, in any material, provided that they are executed entirely by the artist, sculpture casts (Tariff code 9703 00 00).
To save factories, Saipan officials hope to persuade Congress to change the tariff code to lower the required local contribution to 30 percent from 50 percent.
Under Item 807 of our Tariff Code, import duties on goods are paid only on the value of Mexican labor.
As we export chemicals, we work with freight forwarders who know Customs' tariff codes and hazard classifications for our consignments."
UK Tariff Codes Datasets by Data.
What about an Air Travel branch at The Lobby for best, cheapest, most convenient, mileage programs, tariff codes, web sites, etc .
Japan said the error was caused by a change that took place in January in the international tariff codes used to classify imports and exports by product category.
Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeontological, ethnographic or numismatic interest (tariff code 9705 00 00).
The United States tariff code, which defines calves by size, makes no distinction between the skin of a lamb or an adult sheep; both can legally be called lambskin.
Tapestries (Tariff code 5805 00 00) and wall textiles, made by hand from original designs provided by artists, provided that there are not more than eight copies of each.
International Uniformity This means that for the first time since the original United States Tariff Code of 1789, American product descriptions will be comparable to those of most other countries.
"Importers who are known to have have previously imported material that falls within the confines of the Tariff Code may be subject to higher levels of scrutiny and examination," Mr. Cleroux said, speaking of the law governing imports.
Postage or revenue stamps, postmarks, first-day covers, pre-stamped stationery and the like, franked or if unfranked not being of legal tender and not being intended for use as legal tender (tariff code 9704 00 00).
When the Americans came to the Philippines, the Military Government continued to enforce the Spanish Tariff Code of 1891, which remained in effect until the Philippine Commission enacted the Tariff Revision Law of 1901.
Since 1999, 2.88 billion reusable bags were imported into the United States for resale and give-aways under Harmonized Tariff Code (HTC) 4202923031 as reported by the United States International Trade Commission.
Generally, articles only change their country of origin if the work or material added to an article in the second country constitutes a substantial transformation, or, the article changes its name, tariff code, character or use (for instance from wheel to car).