Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"Teeming autumn, big with rich increase," is what Shakespeare called it.
Teeming and lading is a method or practice adopted in accounting.
Teeming suburbs cluster at the capital city's edge, built around an industrial belt.
Teeming crowds wanted their own miracle; he fled to the countryside, where they continued to pursue him.
Teeming faces were their only targets.
Teeming maggots were his fur, the coat shifting incessantly over barely covered sinews and bones.
Teeming masses.
Teeming streets gave way to apartments, then to light industry, and then once more to sparsely populated fields and woodlands.
Teeming clusters of fragrant, tiny 5-lobed, yellow tubular flowers, from the axils of the leaves in early summer.
Teeming, strange information, enlivened by a slow-burning, satiric rage, makes this work seem like a mock-up for a good artist's book.
Teeming wheeled figures scurried futilely, like a colony of hive mites in a collapsed den.
Teeming vernal pools, glacial erratic boulders, mature forest and maintained woodland meadows are found throughout the area.
To the Editor: "Teeming Streets.
Graham Sutherland, The Teeming Pit, 1942, gouache.
To the Editor: I enjoyed "Teeming, Tempting Cairo" (April 11) but hope to round out the picture.
Teeming mangrove swamps and basking lizards hurtled Indonesia's Komodo National Park into third place.
Teeming Cats and Dogs Once Mr. Booth starts drawing dogs and cats, he has a hard time stopping.
Teeming summer rain is already playing havoc with the schedule of long distance truckie, Mark Bolitho, as he prepares for a marathon 5 day trek across the Australian continent.
Teeming fields of short fluid lines curling this way and that suggest plant forms, aquatic life and melting, dripping things of an indistinct nature, all the while taking many cues from cartooning.
CHAPTER XIII "The Wretched Refuse of Your Teeming Shore* .""
To the Editor: My great appreciation for "Teeming, Tempting Cairo" by Daisann McLane (April 11), detailing her visit in Cairo and the surrounding area.
To the Editor: Re "In Teeming India, Water Crisis Means Dry Pipes and Foul Sludge" ("Thirsty Giant" series, front page, Sept. 29): New Delhi should be commended for turning down water privatization.
To the Editor: Your Oct. 8 front-page article "Behind a Suburban Facade in Queens, a Teeming, Angry Urban Arithmetic" should be required reading of all elected and appointed officials in the city and all Federal, state and city tax authorities.