"ten sam" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "ten sam" in Polish

ten sam

  1. the same *****
    • ten sam, taki sam
      We go to the same school.
      Let's meet at the same place tomorrow.
      Why do we always have to talk about the same topics?
      Your idea is the same as his.
  2. selfsame , self-same
  1. one and the same
    • ten sam (o osobie lub rzeczy)
  1. idem , id. (abbreviation)


the image to "this" in Polish
  1. one *****
    • ten, ta, to (używane jako zaimek, kiedy wiadomo o jakiej rzeczy mowa)
      "Which dress do you like the most?" "The red one."
      "Which phone should I buy?" "This one is better."
  2. this **
    • ten (zwykle o przedmiocie w zasięgu naszych rąk)
      Can I borrow this CD?
    • ten (używane w historyjkach i żartach, aby wspomnieć o jakiejś osobie po raz pierwszy) spoken
      This girlfriend of yours - how old is she?
  1. this one ***
    • ten, ta, to
      I have three cats but this one is my favourite.
      I like that dress but this one is cheaper.
  2. the one which
  3. one *****  
    "Which tie is better?" "The white one."
    I like the strawberry one better.
  1. yonder literary , yon literary , also: yond dialect