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If anything, it made him hold on to the captain more tenaciously.
Power tried to push the dog away, but it held on tenaciously.
"Not so tenaciously as he would grasp any money coming within his reach!"
It follows that interest groups will fight more tenaciously over its policy.
The rest of the village was being defended tenaciously by the Americans.
There was a grunt but the man held on tenaciously.
He still wants to minimize Government and reduce social spending, but maybe not so tenaciously.
My mind mulled tenaciously over the events of the day.
Two of them, however, cling to my memory very tenaciously.
He tenaciously guards his position, particularly when someone tries to use him.
Irving, however, is expected to fight tenaciously to keep its independence.
The mud which held so tenaciously could also give way in a moment, if conditions altered.
Yet they still cling tenaciously to their home, and to Charleston.
I've seen all 39 so far, and the following 12 have stuck most tenaciously in my recollection.
Another hour, and still the stupid beast held tenaciously to his post.
Even the very old and hopeless cling tenaciously to life.
Dan Curtis, the director, has tenaciously held the enormous project together.
Once taken, the imperial image required that it should be held onto tenaciously.
As you may already know, wet feathers stick together very tenaciously.
Skinner hung on tenaciously to the idea of a connection.
Outlets for gallery shows have been few, but tenaciously maintained.
The Japanese had prepared their positions well and fought tenaciously.
He held tenaciously to whatever aspects of truth (that) gripped him.
I hadn't expected him to hold tenaciously to that idea, let alone apply it.
She tenaciously clung to and revered life in all its forms.