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The tenantry of the Earl were provided with accommodation to view the proceedings.
Its appearance did not bespeak a very prosperous class of tenantry.
"As a landlord, no man was held in greater love and esteem by his tenantry.
"I wouldn't miss your maiden speech to the tenantry."
A landlord with an iron mortgage weighing down upon him had small bowels for his tenantry.
At regular intervals, his loyal tenantry gave him loyal applause.
Definitive evidence of the existence of Airdrie as a tenantry was only made clear in 1503.
Like any other landlord, he relied on his men to coerce his peasant tenantry.
A landlord, who owns a province, says, "the tenantry are unprofitable; let me have sheep."
And succeeded by his government in vastly increasing his tenantry and treasure.
The plantation owners adapted to the situation by incorporating wage labour, tenantry and contract farming.
Even the large landowners living in Madrid prided themselves on their interest in their tenantry.
The fact was that the Cornish peasantry, who composed his tenantry and domestic establishment, were far from being people with no nonsense about them.
Cards were out for a ball in his honour, and this pageant of the tenantry was held in the ballroom.
From around this time Sydney Clements asserted his control over the estate in an authoritarian manner which won him many opponents among the tenantry.
We have seen how the early Benedictines prospered by replacing slave labour by a peasant tenantry.
Their spotless, unlittered common hallways were signs of a placid tenantry, proof that the water and heat work.
Conolly built his new mansion at Castletown, cleared the existing tenantry and began to develop the town.
Asu'a the paradox; proud yet ramshackle, festive and forbidding, seemingly oblivious to changes of tenantry.
"The servants," he stated, "with the tenantry and others, had been all regularly enrolled and mustered, and they wanted me to take arms also.
Except for the nocturnal lights and noises, and the hovering vapour by day, there was no proof of tenantry either human or diabolic.
The tenantry, for years, had labored without pay on their master's private roads, had been cheated of even their meager share in the harvests.
'There are only two counts in the whole country who have estates, and exact some feudal observances from their tenantry.'
Browne was born in Robert's Tenantry, St. Michael, Barbados.
The great manor had never entirely dominated rural life, and the new smaller units still partly relied on traditional manorial services owed by the village tenantry.