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A. Tennis is an international game and always has been.
But she said the time away from tennis had not been easy.
But on the tennis court, things between us are nearly always good.
I am sure they have found and will find a life after tennis.
He wanted to know if I could get away to play some tennis with him.
Tennis World would like you to have your say on the issue.
Also, I think she has a lot more tennis left.
The tennis court is at the south side of the house.
Tennis will always be a big part of my life.
I get to play tennis with people all day long.
She held on to the time of her tennis life.
We play tennis when he comes out for a week end.
The next day, they did not go to play tennis.
I'm getting to the point where I can finally get back to the tennis court.
I have not tried tennis and, given my back problems, may never return to the court.
I'll just take myself out of tennis and find something else to do with my life.
One summer's day a few years ago, I was about to play a game of tennis.
Tennis is one of the things that I love to do.
Her tennis career was put on hold for nearly two years.
In fact, I had just played tennis the week before.
"Trying to play some good tennis and see where I go."
Was tennis that much different 20 or 30 years ago?
Here's how the system works at present in men's tennis.
In all, 400 children from age 7 to 16 were playing tennis.
This is not because I believe we have a problem in tennis.