Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There is a tentative suggestion that all of this happens in a failed film.
I want to make some tentative suggestions for change.
Tentative suggestions were made in 1999 about a possible merger of the clubs.
He made a tentative suggestion along this line, but it was swiftly rejected.
At this stage we can make only tentative suggestions.
That's a bit like Moses saying he had some tentative suggestions to make."
But those monkey studies "are just a very small, tentative suggestion," he cautioned.
T have a tentative suggestion to make, Captain, something I thought best not to discuss in front of the others.
He fully expected the cat to show up alone, but with a written reply, a tentative suggestion that his overture was being considered.
In response to this information, Sampson's attorney stated that these candidates were only tentative suggestions and never seriously considered.
This is an utterly tentative suggestion; but the question 'To what is the image true?' clearly deserves some sort of answer.
Then his mind returned to the business in hand, to Yagharek's tentative suggestion, and his smile vanished.
One of the tentative suggestions is to house low-priced restaurant so that the public will have opportunities to use the verandas.
Ryan followed Doc's tentative suggestion that the bracket near the stern was for a steering oar.
A tentative suggestion that Earth had once been a satellite of a "proto-Saturn" body, before its current solar orbit.
But she scorned Dr. Grainger's tentative suggestion of a sleeping draught.
Tentative suggestions began to coalesce.
Why, barring one hint by Ellison Seabright, there has not been even the most tentative suggestion along that line.
A Tentative Suggestion?
The Regent's response to his tentative suggestion was so overpowering that Taita was taken aback.
Up to that period the Boer leaders had made a succession of tentative suggestions, each of which had been put aside by the British Government.
However, I'd make a tentative suggestion... Now that you have the data readily at hand, you might as well make it a little bit more digestible.
His most famous contribution to the study of grammar may have been his tentative suggestion that sentences ending with a preposition-such as "what did you ask for?"
Separation Demanded There have been tentative suggestions that the Serbs might be willing to discuss limited restoration of autonomy, but the Albanians are not interested.
Carter-Zimmerman's botanists had already offered some tentative suggestions; Inoshiro had sketched the details at the convocation, and now they were available in full, on-line.