Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Under the terms of sale the house can only be used as a private residence.
Even after you reach an agreement on the price and terms of sale, the deal could still fall through.
Manner and terms of sale may have a material impact on price.
Does your customer have any specific terms of sale you must comply with?
You should provide clear instructions to the forwarder, including your terms of sale and delivery.
What are the terms of sale for gift subscriptions?
The terms of sale protected those parts of the church which still remain from destruction.
For details about refunds, please review our Terms of Sale.
In the past, meat packers and processors were not required to report the prices they paid for the animals or the terms of sale.
They are charged with assuring that foreign buyers adhere to the terms of sale agreements.
The terms of sale should require both.
Terms of sale are also not disclosed.
Ownership includes the right to set the terms of private property use, including the terms of sale.
Terms of sale may vary from transaction to transaction.
If you have purchased your product through a third party, these Terms of Sale may not apply to you.
The two men negotiated the terms of sale for the building of a Panama Canal.
The terms of sale agreed in a commercial transaction outline who is responsible for the cost of goods being transported.
Please see the Nexus One Terms of Sale for details regarding support.
And even if they do, there is unhappiness because the terms of sale require Mutual to stop using the Hudson's Bay name within two years.
(c) If you're selling something, make sure you're legally able to sell it, and don't forget to include any terms of sale.
View the Terms of Sale "
Under Incoterms or other terms of sale, the seller takes out insurance for the benefit of the buyer.
Price fixing is any agreement among competitors which affects the ultimate price or terms of sale for a product or service.
The Court noted that the Act did not confiscate the owner's property, but rather regulated the terms of sale:
While American companies generally must register sales of stock, disclosing the terms of sale, there are a number of exemptions.