Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We're still just in Chinese territorial waters, and they have a right to want us out.
What are we doing, fishing in the territorial waters of these States when they need to be able to work to make a living?
We'll have to stay out of Italian territorial waters until we're done.
It is the line basis points of China's territorial waters.
"We do not have to allow foreign forces to enter our territorial waters," he said.
That will never be allowed, at least not in Finland's territorial waters.
Up to 1995, even its territorial waters were separate from the rest of Finland.
After he had corrected we would be nowhere near territorial waters.
The right to sweep up all mines outside territorial waters.
The federal government owns the remainder of the territorial waters.
They don't want to tell you if it's in the territorial waters of Florida.
"I'll be taking my ship outside territorial waters," the commander said.
The unit is also responsible for the surveillance of territorial waters.
The term "territorial waters" is also sometimes used to mean any area of water a state has jurisdiction.
But more than a quarter million square kilometers of territorial waters.
The map we have used includes territorial waters as marine data will also be available.
It was just inside the territorial waters of the United States.
The Egyptians said it had crossed into their territorial waters.
The only way to do this is by re-establishing national control over territorial waters.
The planes collided about 60 miles outside of China's territorial waters.
"Who won't use force if their territorial waters are violated?"
It concerns the limits of territorial waters, a matter which is not within the Community's competence.
"You would allow them to continue to invade our territorial waters?
Fleets must be placed in territorial waters at the beginning of a game.
War had arrived in the territorial waters of the United States.