"the Downs" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | see "the Downs" in inglés

the Downs

  1. grzbiety górskie w południowo-wschodniej Anglii

down ** , also: dowl old use

  1. puch, puszek (np. u młodego ptaka) [UNCOUNTABLE]
    Chicken's down is yellow.
    My bird is losing its down.
the image to "down" in Polish
  1. w dół
    Don't look down!
    We should start going down while it's not raining.
  2. niżej
    "Do you know where the Browns live?" "They live one floor down."
    Their flat is 3 floors down.
  3. do pozycji siedzącej, do pozycji leżącej
    Please sit down.
    You should lay down, you're very weak.
  4. na południe
    I'm planning a trip down south this summer.
    If we want to find the hidden treasure, we have to go down.
  5. blisko, niedaleko
    Our destination is down.
    She lives down from here.
  6. używane z czasownikami określającymi przyczepienie do podłoża
  7. mniej
  8. tracąc punkty na rzecz przeciwnika
    We are two points down against their team.
  9. używane z czasownikami określającymi zapisywanie czegoś (np. w notesie)
    Write it down in your notebook.
    Please, note down these directions.
  10. w całości, od stóp do głów (np. umyć)
    I washed him from the head down.
    He was dressed in gold from the head down.
  11. używane na określenie tego, że ktoś opuszcza uniwersytet  BrE
  12. pionowo (o wpisywaniu hasła w krzyżówce)
    consulta también: across
  1. wzdłuż
    There are many shops down the Green street.
    Go down this street and then turn left.
  2. w dół (np. rzeki)
    We went down the river to find the rest of our team.
    We were walking down the street when we met Kate.
  3. na dalsze lata, poprzez lata
    There were many wars between France and Germany down the years.
    Our relationship has gotten worse down the years.
  1. płatne natychmiast
  2. połknięty
  3. smutny, nieszczęśliwy, przybity
    Why are you so down? Did something happen?
    He was really down after the divorce.
  4. zepsuty (np. komputer)
    The computer is down, you cannot play.
    Would you give me a lift as my car is down?
  5. ukończony
    Our house is down, come and see it.
    The painting is down, I can show it to my wife.
  6. tańszy informal
    We can't afford that car, we have to find something down.
    I don't think we can find a down apartment.
  7. trafiony, ranny informal
    Most of our soldiers were down, we had no chance of winning.
    One of the policemen is down - we have to take him to the hospital.
  8. dolny
  1. szybko połknąć (np. kawę, posiłek)
    I downed my breakfast and rushed to work.
    She was in a hurry but she managed to down the coffee.
  2. powalić na ziemię
    He downed the opponent and won.
    The guard downed her to protect her from the explosion.
  1. meszek (delikatne włosy) [UNCOUNTABLE]
    My daughter's down is soft and delicate.
    I love stroking my child's down.
  2. próba (w futbolu amerykańskim) [COUNTABLE]
  1. wzgórza