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That wasn't so long in the lives of the Sidhe.
He knew better than to try to beat the Sidhe at their own game.
Both said they didn't sense any threat from the Sidhe.
Why didn't the Sidhe lord force her to fall in love with him?
Take all the time you need, the Sidhe replied quickly.
For something built by the Sidhe, it actually looked pretty normal.
Those things alone could stop the Sidhe dead in their tracks.
In time the people of the land came to fear the power the Sidhe possessed.
And it had very nearly let itself be caught because the Sidhe looked so much like its master.
Weapons still in hand, the Sidhe prepared to charge us again.
Those who want to live with one of the Sidhe must leave the mortal world behind.
And those who bargain with the Sidhe come off always to the worse.
My god, she said, not at all in the tone the Sidhe were probably hoping for.
There are forces even stronger than the magic of the Sidhe.
His clan has kept their close tie to the Sidhe ever since.
In the old days, it could be you'd have met one of the Sidhe at any crossroads, looking for a challenge.
He looked up again at the Sidhe, cold at heart.
The Sidhe had given some thought to what was to become of his beloved ward.
The Sidhe despise the light of the sun, but they can see very well in the dark.
It was a simple one, the Sidhe equivalent of a locked door.
Just then the Sidhe spotted him, crouched on the floor.
Entered into the domains of the Sidhe, they could do damage.
Human creativity, and at least a little of the Sidhe longevity.
There's been a murder within the realms of the Sidhe.
Still, how could we turn away any child in need, much less a child of the Sidhe?