"the opening" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | see "the opening" in inglés

the opening **

  1. początek, wstęp
    the beginning, the first part
    The opening of the play was his monologue.
    You can't give all the answers in the opening.
the image to "open" in Polish the image to "open" in Polish
  1. otwarty (nie zamknięty, np. drzwi)
    Leave the door open.
    It is cold inside the room because the window is open.
    I always leave the door open for my cat.
  2. otwarty (np. oczy, buzia)
    Keep your eyes open, you are driving!
    She puts on her mascara with her mouth open.
    I was watching the film with my mouth open.
  3. odkryty, nie osłonięty
    You should wear the dress with an open back.
    Mary was wearing a shirt with open shoulders.
  4. otwarty (nie przykryty, np. dachem)
    This restaurant has an open patio.
    I have an open swimming pool in my garden.
  5. otwarty (o sklepie)
    "Are you still open?" "Yes, today we stay open until midnight."
    Is the cinema open until midnight?
    Is the café still open?
  6. otwarty, dostępny (nieograniczony)
    The hotel has an open wi-fi!
    The swimming pool is open for the guests only.
  7. otwarty, do zdobycia, do wykorzystania
  8. jawny
    This court case was open to the media.
    The vote was open.
  9. szczery
    He always says what he thinks because he is very open.
    She's always open with me.
    I like open people.
    link synonym: straight
  10. rozpinany
    She wore an open shirt.
    I have an open dress.
  11. otwarty, nie postanowiony, nie zadecydowany
    The name of our company is still an open question.
  12. otwarty (np. na krytykę, sugestie)
    We are open to any suggestions.
    He is always open to new ideas.
    link synonym: out-front
  13. otwarty (nie zablokowany, np. droga, przejazd)
    There's been an accident, but the road is open now.
    I hope the passage is open.
  14. otwarty (rozwinięty, np. płatki kwiatów)
    He handed me a beautiful, open rose.
    I had to take a picture of the beautiful open flowers.
  1. otwierać (np. okno, drzwi) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    She opened the door.
    What time do you open tomorrow?
    Could you open the window? It is so stuffy in here.
  2. otwierać (np. pojemnik, paczkę) [TRANSITIVE]
    Can I open the presents, daddy?
    Open the box and see what's inside.
    She opened the lunch box and took out a sandwich.
  3. otwierać (np. oczy) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    The kittens finally opened their eyes!
    Open your eyes, you can't sleep now!
    I was so scared I didn't want to open my eyes.
  4. otwierać (np. buzię) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    Open your mouth, I have to check your teeth.
    Open your eyes, it's me.
    Close your eyes and open your mouth.
  5. otwierać (zacząć działać, np. sklep) [INTRANSITIVE]
    They decided to open a new toy shop.
    It is risky to open a second company.
  6. otwierać (uruchamiać, np. nową firmę) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    I want to open my own restaurant.
    My brother opened his own company and now he's a serious businessman.
  7. zacząć działać [TRANSITIVE]
    I heard that your restaurant opened last week.
    That new cinema hasn't opened yet.
  8. otwierać (nowy dokument w komputerze) [TRANSITIVE]
    Click twice to open a file.
    I opened a new file and started writing my essay.
  9. otwierać (zebranie, spotkanie) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    I want to open this meeting by saying how happy I am to see all of you.
    It is high time we opened the meeting. Everyone is here.
  10. otworzyć oficjalną ceremonią [TRANSITIVE]
    The president opened the Olympic Games.
    Th singer opened the fifth edition of the ceremony.
  11. rozwijać, rozkładać (np. parasol, mapę) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    I got wet because I couldn't open the umbrella.
    Open the map to see where we are.
    I can't open my umbrella, it is stuck.
  12. utorować (np. drogę, wolny przejazd) [TRANSITIVE]
    He opened the way for me.
  13. zacząć pokazywać (np. film) [INTRANSITIVE]
    The new Ryan Reynolds movie will open in movie theatres in two weeks.
  14. rozklejać (np. kopertę) [TRANSITIVE]
    This letter is for you, open the envelope and read it.
    Don't open the envelope if it isn't addressed to you.
  15. zagajać [TRANSITIVE]
    That guy opened me but I wasn't interested.
    I don't know how to open girls.
  1. otwierać (uruchamiać, np. nową firmę, sklep) [TRANSITIVE/INTRANSITIVE]
    Right after Mary's graduation she opened up a small boutique.
    I want to open a Chinese restaurant.
the image to "opening" in Polish by the opening ceremony of the image to "opening" in Polish
  1. otwarcie (nowego budynku, sklepu, itp.) [COUNTABLE]
    They postponed the grand opening of the supermarket until Wednesday.
    It's been a week since the opening and still few people know about this store.
    The opening of a new store attracted crowds of people.
  2. otwór, przerwa [COUNTABLE]
    He looked through the narrow opening in the fence.
    There was a small opening on the side of the box.
  3. początek (np. przemowy, procesu) [COUNTABLE]
    The opening of your speech was very touching.
    I want the opening of this song to be spectacular.
  4. wakat (wolne stanowisko) [COUNTABLE]
    I'm sorry, but we don't have any openings at the moment.
    Is there an opening in your firm?
    I'm waiting for an opening because I really want to work there.
  5. sposobność, możliwość (np. aby coś powiedzieć) [COUNTABLE]
    You had many openings to tell me that.
    I didn't have an opening to talk my boss.
  6. otworzenie (np. drzwi) [UNCOUNTABLE]
    Would you mind opening the door?
    Opening the door for me was very charming.
  7. rozwarcie [COUNTABLE]
  8. otwieranie (np. okna, drzwi)
    Opening the door is my duty.
    Opening windows in this room is impossible.
  9. otwieranie (np. pojemnika, paczki)
    Opening of this box took me ten minutes.
    Opening the box took me twenty minutes.
  10. otwieranie (np. oczu)
    Opening your eyes when you're hangover is painful.
  11. otwieranie (np. buzi)
    Opening your mouth while eating is rude.
  12. otwieranie (uruchamianie, np. nowej firmy)
    Opening your own company may be risky.
  13. zaczęcie działania
  14. otwieranie (nowego dokumentu w komputerze)
    Opening of this file should take five seconds.
  15. otwieranie (zebrania, spotkania)
    You are responsible for the opening of our meetings.
  16. otworzenie oficjalnej ceremonii
    The opening of the Olympics was spectacular.
  17. rozwijanie, rozłożenie (np. parasola, mapy)
    Opening an umbrella was a good idea.
    Opening a map during the race is forbidden, you have to find the track on your own.
    Opening of this map was not that simple.
  18. utorowanie (np. drogi, wolnego przyjazdu)
    Opening the road after the accident took three hours.
  19. zaczęcie pokazywania (np. filmu)
  20. rozklejanie (np. koperty)
    Opening of an envelope has made me nervous.
  21. zagajanie
    Opening to girls is not my strong suit.
  1. otwierający, inaugurujący
    The opening ceremony was great.
    The opening performance went well.