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Love might be the light of life, but men and women all the world over had for one reason or other to marry without it.
Women are women, all the world over, whatever their color.
All the world over, fairy tales are found to be pretty much the same.
Another great blessing to us is that war has ceased all the world over.
Old ladies are the same all the world over.
Then is men all the world over, and there ain't so much to choose between any of "em."
Later on, meeting our men all the world over, the meaning of that hymn became much too plain.
The true charity and justice of rich to poor, all the world over!'
Politicians all the world over are not terribly different.
All the world over there is this stirring in the dry bones of the old beliefs.
All the world over, so easy to see!
It doth in America, and I believe all the world over.
I'll go with thee all the world over.
The Irish priesthood is honoured all the world over.
"All the world over the cause of twins is mainly because of drugs.
A pleasure's a pleasure, all the world over.
In fact, they behaved as wags do and always have done at all times all the world over.
Winner takes all, and you're back to square one - all the world over - to the four corners of the globe.
But appearances all the world over are deceptive.
Ceres sought her daughter all the world over.
Camps are camps all the world over, and you cannot in a moment change a bowman into a saint.
The chief is the chief all the world over, only not his cap and his plume.
To be a gentleman is to be one all the world over, and in every relation and grade of society.
It was a pretty scene, with the delicate remoteness, the fairyland quality, of small fishing communities all the world over.
They are peculiar to this part of the world, though allied to the ordinary gipsies all the world over.