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This concern with unfixed identity was not unique to the theatre; society and politics more generally contained a theatrical dimension, what Greenblatt calls 'the theatricalisation of culture'.
Some amount of theatricalization is necessary to bring any folk art to the stage.
Such a theatricalization of social dance is only logical.
Now, consciously or not, they are emulating the stars' theatricalization.
In fact, one could argue that the theatricalization of American life is the major cultural transformation of this century.
Since the media transmit these performances, it is tempting to blame them for the theatricalization.
The former allows for outside interests; the latter suggests theatricalization of every aspect of living.
The South Korean company, which was founded in 1986, is dedicated to the preservation and theatricalization of folk dances.
- theatricalization.
Nor is it precisely a theatricalization of the novel: there are no bobbed hairdos, cigarette holders, or flapper gowns.
The concert might be the first step toward "theatricalization" of "King David" as a full stage production, Mr. Eisner said.
The theatricalization of gender roles is the topic of Life in a Japanese Women's College: Learning to Be Ladylike (1997).
"Let's just say that it's a theatricalization of 'The Handmaid's Tale,' " he said in an interview, referring to the novel by Margaret Atwood.
And so, amid all the furbelows and the freewheeling theatricalization of urban and rural mores, there is both an intent to entertain and the ring of truth.
What is surprising is the sight of the British monarchy being forced to participate in the theatricalization of everyday life, in a drama chosen for it by the people.
Pearl Primus's "Impinyuza," a 1952 theatricalization of a ceremonial dance from Ruanda, opens up a more elegant vision of African dance than is usually seen in other companies.
If theatricalization accelerated at roughly the same time that America was emerging as a mass industrial society, it was also a time when American life was becoming less manageable, more complex.
Companies like the Moiseyev Dance Company, Beryozka and the Georgian State Dancers are made up of professionals, usually ballet-trained, whose choreography is a theatricalization of folk material.
At the same time that "Revelations" was winning audiences with its theatricalization of slave spirituals, an artistic revolution was under way that produced a new generation of African-American choreographers.
Mr. Harris has become known for his theatricalization of hip-hop, most unusually in "Rome & Jewels," his ambitious but flawed adaptation in 2000 of "Romeo and Juliet."
His theatricalization of jitterbug styles is topped with a spectacular anthology of social dancing and tap in the chorus numbers "Swinging" and "Wednesday Night Hop" that open the second half of the show.
In this book he discusses new sound and musical terms, what he calls "Sound Theatricalization & Filmlization"--the translation of the dramatic feeling of any sound event into a specific visual display upon the stage.
When one thinks, unavoidably, of a recently published diary of an 11-year-old in Sarajevo, which some have perceived as a calculated attempt to manufacture an Anne Frank for the 90's, the genuineness of Anne's unshakable innocence and its compelling theatricalization is reinforced.
Mr. Montgomery, who superbly staged "Spunk," a theatricalization of three stories by Zora Neale Hurston three years ago, admitted that that was a Black History Month production as was "The Colored Museum" the year before.
And yet "Impinyuza," an elegant theatricalization of African dance from 1952 by Pearl Primus, undoubtedly paved the way for the underlying ritualism of "Forgotten Time," an unusual experimental piece that Judith Jamison choroegraphed for her own company last year.