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How about the theory that the difference is in the students?
It is our theory that he wants a clear field.
There is also the theory that they simply like to change their form.
But it is my theory that the two worked together.
Children here start school late on the theory that they will learn to love learning through play.
I have a theory that you should not get involved in politics until after you've done something else with your life.
Sometimes scientists come up with a theory that is wrong.
There is not yet any set of theories that works for everything.
In modern times, there is another theory that some have come to believe.
The science we learn in school is the set of theories that work best.
The best we have at the moment are theories that fall into two main schools of thought.
Back next time, on the theory that somebody's got to do it.
"I really go with the theory that he's been in politics too long."
I began to give serious thought to the theory that everyone was crazy.
There is another theory that might explain what these guys are doing.
Did you ever hear of a theory that fully worked in practice?
For the time being, though, I will continue to accept the theory that has more evidence to support it.
Do you buy the theory that he came to work drunk?
I operate on the theory that it has to make business sense.
I was working on a theory that said all environmentalists were short.
It was an office granted on the theory that might made right.
"What happened to the old theory that I fell in love with as a youth?"
I have based all my policies on the theory that there's always a market for quality.
It is my theory that peace was never possible here, not in any shape or form.
All of this, for suggesting a theory that turned out to be true.