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He had heard about thievish animals that will carry off bacon and flour and such.
The thievish varmints instantly fled away into the bush.
There is a thievish nature more hateful than even the biblioklept.
Here, as in many former cases, the captain was put to some trouble, on account of the thievish disposition of the inhabitants.
Frasier had shown early evidence of a "thievish Disposition."
But Sotillo was furious at the failure of his thievish scheme."
Among such multitudes, however, as, at times, were on board, it will not be deemed surprising, that some should betray a thievish disposition.
A lot of thievish murderous rascals.
We retraced our thievish steps.
"They are an infan- tile and thievish race.
Prokofiev described this cancan-like material as "thievish."
Here are creep-mouse manners; and thievish manners.
A thievish Baggins.
One withdrew from singing alleluiah who committed unto me this new office; he is no robber, nor I a thievish spirit.
When I told him that we wouldn't get in that way, he showed me how deeply he resented this slight to his thievish abilities.
Two of them were scarcely more than boys, while another pair were thick-set, lumpish, thievish rascals, sodden with drink.
The second one, a scathing satire to the government officials and their thievish behaviour, is one of the first examples of Russian comic opera.
I don't like the looks" (here he dropped his voice to a portentous whisper) "of these black gentry; they have such a wonderful thievish way about them.
Thy mother doth complain, and implores thy aid against this thievish people, who have newly intruded on our land.
"They have no Law, no Hunting Call, and no leaders - nothing but foolish words and little picking, thievish hands.
"And now if you'll inquire of the management where the thievish jewel-buyers congregate, we can get on with our business and perhaps be off by dawn tomorrow."
T'Cael seemed oblivious to the veiled threats, which Ry'iak was delivering with thievish care.
Or why is Collatine the publisher Of that rich jewel he should keep unknown From thievish ears, because it is his own?
MAGPIE, n. A bird whose thievish disposition suggested to someone that it might be taught to talk.
The black tongue kept on down the map, past Sarheenmar and thievish Ilthmar to the Sinking Land.