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Reporter: You to think boys look at a girl's thigh gap?
We've both just failed the latest body image test: the thigh gap.
What does it symbolize if you have a thigh gap?
I never knew before that I wanted a thigh gap.
"Thigh gap" refers to the space in between one's thighs when standing with your feet together.
They might as well have a "thigh gap" measuring device in their stores.
Why is there a procedure to create a thigh gap?!
"I cannot think of one athlete I deal with" who has a thigh gap.
Most fit people won't have a thigh gap because their thighs are muscular enough that they touch, she said.
Curvy Barbie: is it the end of the road for the thigh gap?
There was a picture of me in Cosmopolitan and I have a thigh gap.
Another boasted: "Being sick and not eating for three days has made my thigh gap bigger."
The truth is I couldn't care less about needing a supposed 'thigh gap.'
The media pushes the idea that a thigh gap is indicative of someone being at an 'ideal' weight.
The touchy thigh gap strikes controversy (and conversation) once again.
And there was that awesome time she took a stand against the deplorable thigh gap trend.
Surprisingly, some girls" motivation to have a thigh gap isn't to make themselves more desirable to boys.
The thigh gap has also spawned opinions from newspapers.
A thigh gap is a space between the inner thighs of some women when standing upright with knees touching.
But let's not pretend an entire generation of young women is starving in order to obtain the elusive thigh gap.
E! News showing how to get a thigh gap for less money than the iPhone.
Video: Disturbing new trend has young women obsessed with 'thigh gap'
If Beyoncé lacks thigh gap, it's because she's fit, not fat.
Specialists say achieving a so-called "thigh gap" is risky and virtually impossible.
Experts say the images alone can lead to self-destructive behavior, especially since the thigh gap is, for most girls, an unrealistic standard of beauty.