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Jake didn't have a thin dime to his name, and he was starting to get the shakes.
"In a murder case my license wouldn't be worth a thin dime if I held out an identification."
You bump me, and you won't see one thin dime off this place.
Some won't even cost you a thin dime.
"Rather than pay Zona one thin dime, she preferred to go to jail."
He'd broken up any chance for domestic happiness you might have had and wouldn't give you even a thin dime.
Taking away rights from wives doesn't put one thin dime in the pockets of any unmarried employed woman.
The Bible-quoting stinker had never once left her a tip, not even so much as one thin dime.
One thin dime, one tenth of a dollar.
The "new culture" received maximum coverage from the jackal media, which cost the con- spirators not one single thin dime.
As his contribution toward a success story, Terry had arrived with a few hundred dollars, and squandered his cash down to the last thin dime.
"That's good to hear," Bell said, clearly still angry, "since I wouldn't take a thin dime from either of those two slimeballs."
Not a thin dime.
Like many other ideas, James Hilton as a radio program sounded like a million dollars on paper and a thin dime on the air."
A dime is not only small and difficult to hide behind, but also notably thin, as in the phrase not one thin dime.
The magazine was, in short, a monthly intellectual banquet for the American radical intelligentsia, available on newsstands for just two thin dimes.
One Thin Dime (iTunes bonus track)
Scientology officials vowed never to pay, and the phrase "not one thin dime for Wollersheim," was chanted by Scientologists at court hearings.
In the Drifters' "On Broadway," the singer is ready to face the rigors of New York with just "one thin dime" to his name.
It's all in the Wheel, try your luck, one thin dime sets this Wheel of Fortune in motion.'
He quickly retrieves Ollinger's shotgun loaded with "sixteen thin dimes" and shoots Ollinger dead in the street, saying, "Keep the change, Bob."
In an unpublished 1997 manuscript, Fischer complained that he had not "received one thin dime for the totally exploitative Paramount Pictures 'rip-off' full-length feature film".
If successful, our boss, Admiral James Sandecker, won't charge your boss, Mr. Specter, one thin dime."
Looking for Peace But Finding Abuse In a city filled with beggars, the 61-year-old Mr. Buchanan never asks for one thin dime.
As a result, NASA had to back away last year from a previous promise not to take "one thin dime" from the agency's science budget to pay for human exploration.