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Probably a weed from the broad leaf with the thornlike tips.
The branches ending in 4 to 5 thornlike tips.
Inside the pod I could see, fastened in the upper surface, too long, curved, thornlike fangs.
It stuck thornlike into his palm.
I touched the thornlike pins holding the map and saw that another, more recent map had been torn off, leaving corners.
The specific name spinosa is a Latin term indicating the pointed and thornlike spur shoots characteristic of this species.
But the fly is now a partially digested mass embedded upon a series of thornlike projections near the base of its tongue.
Among near-miniature works is an assemblage combining a much abused cow and a baby with snaggly, thornlike teeth.
This is a rhizomatous subshrub sprawling to a maximum height around two meters, the branches lined with thornlike points.
Anterior thoracic pleural spines weakly to strongly thornlike except in Kjerulfia and Grandinasus.
Hisaaki Yamane challenges expectations by constructing a huge book which is covered with thornlike protrusions and rests on an inscribed pedestal the size of a sarcophagus.
On the forewing, vein 3 has become free from the membrane and has been developed as a thornlike process which protrudes from the scaling on the underside of the wing.
The specific name akainae is derived from Greek akaina (meaning thorn or spine) and refers to the downward pointed, thornlike proximal flange of the dorsal part of the valva.
A circular mound, covered with plants and tough growth, was the only trace of the once impregnable perimeter wall As they came low, they could see thornlike creepers bursting through the windows of the buildings.
It is over six feet high and eight feet wide, depicting "an abstract landscape filled with watery plumes of semi-transparent color that coalesce around spiky, thornlike shapes, painted in thin, sharp black lines, as if to suggest beaks and claws."
When hung as a pair, the jagged edges of the grand inquisitor's apron play off the Duchess of Alba's thornlike hair, while his slightly left-looking eyes seem to be aware of her slightly-turned-right head, which leaves the viewer with a feeling that these two paintings are visually and spiritually connected.