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Difficult to try and help such a thorny little guy.
This was the thorny sort of issue still to be worked out, he said.
Trying to answer that thorny question was where I ran into problems.
One of the particularly thorny problems was the What is this thing?
But there are many thorny questions that have to be decided before then.
But for many working people those three hours are the thorniest part of the child care problem.
A father recently put a thorny question to the authors.
Those of us on the other side have an equally thorny problem.
Rarely does a day go by without at least one thorny problem.
Among the thorny issues is who should have priority on the system.
It's a thorny question, particularly for those of us whose job it is to do just that.
The size of second green homes can be a thorny subject.
There is still the thorny issue of what to call these vehicles.
Those responsible for the thorniest issues will have another week.
The really thorny matter will probably be pricing the services.
When to stop such monitoring is a thorny question for health officials.
In museums, the relationship between art and money can be thorny.
This is therefore one of the thorny issues we need to address.
Cut off thorny top about 3/4 of an inch down.
It is a thorny form, not easy to handle or to place.
Q. Is special education a thorny problem for the board?
Those are the very important and thorny issues which must be dealt with.
Of course, the Still legend is a particularly thorny one.
Then there is the thorny question of how to help people slim down.
Put aside, for the moment, thorny subjects like economic policy and national security.