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Her voice came out as a thready whisper of sound.
Free now, I fought to stay up on thready legs.
"All right then," I said a second later, my voice somewhat thready.
His arm was cold to the touch, the pulse still thready.
"I absolutely refuse to go to hospital," she said in a clear thready voice.
The thready leaves are no more than 5 centimeters long.
When she saw Gray, there was a catch in her thready breath.
Unfortunately, the man's report of the other team's whereabouts was thready at best.
But fear was palpable, a thready pulse in the air.
It was nearly a hundred and a bit thready.
He had a pulse, albeit a weak and thready one.
There was a thready logo above the pocket of his white shirt.
Her voice was thready, filled with a need that thrummed through him as well.
He prostrated himself and spoke rapidly in a high thready voice.
The canyon vanished into little more than a thready black line, made invisible by distance.
He didn't like the thready sound of his voice, so he tried again.
It was a high, thready sound, not the robust keening they'd heard before.
The words came out in a thready wheeze, nearly soundless.
Instead, we're going to get Stevie's thready exhortation not to stop thinking about tomorrow.
"There's the matter of what I want," she managed, surprised that her voice was thready and breathless.
It was thready, but there, she realized with amazement.
"I know not," she admitted in a thready voice.
The stems are surrounded by a few thready leaves.
He turned the man's bruised, battered head and felt his weak, thready pulse.
'I can do that now,' Charles said in a thready voice.