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She saw his face, dark with blood as a thundercloud.
And as he did, a thundercloud passed over his face.
He was still sitting by the window, looking like a thundercloud.
By nature, Thundercloud is a reflective man of few words.
The sun suddenly went in as the great thundercloud rolled over them.
He certainly had the eyebrows for it, big black thunderclouds of hair.
Then it suddenly felt like we were living under one, a violent thundercloud.
"If you get enough water together in a thick thundercloud, the light will be slightly blue."
A few minutes later, a single thundercloud loomed ahead of them.
The early morning sky was clear and blue with only a few scattered thunderclouds.
He stands with his feet in the water as thunderclouds assemble above him.
The soldiers charged over the rise like a black thundercloud.
Then suddenly, "the coming unrest spread its thunderclouds under the eyes of the government."
Mister Wolf stood alone near a window, his face like a thundercloud.
Straight ahead and across the water, the thunderclouds were beating their way towards us.
Then his teeth showed in a smile that was like the sun among thunderclouds.
Bond glared at nobody in particular, his face a thundercloud.
When thunderclouds began to boil up along the horizon, he was certain of it.
It felt as if a thundercloud had just departed over the horizon.
His expression had been bright with laughter only a moment before, but now he looked like a thundercloud.
It seemed that all else was blurred into nightmare and thundercloud.
Far away, I saw a few flashes of lightning as a thundercloud passed by.
Thunderclouds are building, and we fear for the beautiful saris.
The world dimmed, like low thunderclouds had just rolled in.
But there were no thunderclouds when he walked outside.