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The tide gate prevents this from happening by only allowing water past at low tide.
The large quantity of Phragmites australis, or common reed, growing along the river's banks can most likely be attributed to the tide gate.
Phragmites cannot tolerate high salinity, and the tide gate maintains the river's salinity at a level low enough for the plant to survive.
One plan for the West Shore Expressway bridge included a tide gate which would have blocked Plant 2's marine access.
The tide gate was abandoned after studies showed that it had increased saltwater intrusion into the upriver freshwater Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.
She expressed concern that the reconstruction of Route 9A "may merely be patching up a major problem," pointing out that only one tide gate had been replaced.
Also removal of PCB-contaminated sediments, upgrade the tide gate, upgrade and maintain the landfill cover and conduct long-term monitoring.
The river flows through a tide gate where it crosses under Orange Avenue (U.S. 1, also referred to as the Boston Post Road).
But today, fishing production has drastically decreased due to water quality deterioration that was partially caused by the closure of the tide gate in 1963 for purposes of desalination.
A tide gate near the mouth of Seal Slough regulates tidal influx from San Francisco Bay to the Marina Lagoon; this flushing action is important to prevent population explosion of midges in the local area.
Diking, draining and filling of these marshes probably started with the first settlement of the area by the Swedes in the early 17th century, culminating in the installation of a tide gate designed to permit drainage from the park while minimizing inflow from the Delaware River.