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For the sake of tidiness, the Family name will go first.
Daley was a man who loved tidiness, in things large and small.
And environmental tidiness may cost the Pentagon more than had been planned.
I had no idea that he was a tidiness fanatic.
For all the tidiness of legend, however, the tale is not quite true.
One is that we don't spend too much time on the tidiness of the work.
But their tidiness was not enough to make for a stimulating evening of theater.
The other important aspect to a good flight of stairs is tidiness.
She liked tidiness, and there was a small satisfaction in making the kitchen so.
That was what all her tidiness and orderliness around the house were about.
More due to a need to move around than a sense of tidiness, she cleared the plates off the bed.
"No." He'd nearly forgotten what it was like to sit down and have tea in tidiness.
The room to which he led me was small, but disfigured with no offensive tidiness.
The key to daily cleaning tasks, she said, is to maintain order and tidiness while going through the day.
Too much tidiness is counterproductive in the long run.
The one proof that something extraordinary had happened was itself a paradigm of tidiness.
They were struck by the silence, emptiness, and tidiness of the station.
But when she sang, tidiness and comfort were pushed aside.
Sept. 11 caught engaged couples in various states of legal tidiness.
Tidiness is not reform; the Hughes task force should take the bit in its teeth.
Even at the end he may have cared more about theatrical effect than philosophical tidiness.
You don't even need a bin, other than for the sake of tidiness.
I did what I could to restore the bed to a state of tidiness.
But then, she admitted ruefully, her own life was hardly a model of tidiness.
Cleanliness and tidiness help him in concentrating on the task at hand.