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As the name implies, timber piles are made of wood.
Or maybe a few flood-chucks, just to help us get through some timber piles on the road.
Today, timber piles are still more affordable than concrete or steel.
By the time they reached the timber pile that had been the town dock, all the young rowers were exhausted.
Today all that remains of the old pier are some of the timber piles.
It has been reported that some timber piles used during 16th century in Venice still survive since they were below groundwater level.
Construction of this concrete gravity structure supported by timber piles was completed in 1937.
When first constructed, it was supported on timber piles driven 14 feet into the sand and clay bed of the river.
In the water itself were several timber piles, presumably all that now remained of the bridge the city had had to build.
A main consideration regarding timber piles is that they should be protected from rotting above groundwater level.
In the shingle the railway was fixed in place by vertical timber piles.
The lake and the small islands between the timber piles and the dam are designated as a nature reserve.
The first timber pile for the temporary staging for the construction was driven at noon on 8 June 1957.
The prehistoric timber piles discovered to the west of the dam date back to 1523 BC.
The robot had reached the timber pile and was stooping mechanically to pick up the beams in pairs.
The abutments are built of brick capped with concrete copings; they rest on timber piles.
Some 828 timber piles were driven for the foundation of the south anchor and 684 piles for the north.
Sixty-foot timber piles were driven into the marsh ground, to form the stable foundations of the basins.
Bob hopped over to one of the timber piles and fished out a sturdy length of wood to serve him as a walking staff.
This section of the shore was lined with wicker reinforced with timber piles and stood two feet above the icy water.
Timber piles were used for the construction of the abutment foundations, and to reinforce one of the piers.
The simple 30-feet by 80-feet timber and attap structure that rested on timber piles was not sturdy enough to face the elements.
Splicing timber piles is still quite common and is the easiest of all the piling materials to splice.
The approach spans consist of a total of 48 timber pile and stringer spans.
Supply problems in the aftermath of the war meant that the concrete piers were founded on jarrah timber piles, rather than concrete.