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On the other hand, you do make some sacrifices in the name of tininess.
Its tininess was the hugest thing he had ever seen.
Scores of research teams are now racing to achieve such tininess.
Not happy exactly, but charmed by the tininess of everyday life.
And yet for all its tininess, at the moment it seemed depressingly empty.
Unless it was to accentuate the impossible tininess of her waist?
I liked her tininess under all that hair.
"I find her most annoying in her tininess and under the covers," she said.
Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice shininess and tininess to get better photos.
Despite its tininess, it looked broad and comfortable.
Of the other birthings only the third was notable: a tiny tomcat but large in its tininess.
There was the capacitor, and a real brute it was, despite its tininess.
Gristhorpe looked over towards Richmond, who seemed similarly constrained by the tininess of the place.
In its surprising tininess it becomes containable, manageable, in a way that the real thing is not.
But the appeal of these blandly photographic scenes, if any, lies solely in their postcard tininess.
Her eyes, of pin-hole tininess, were blackest black.
In fact, because of the tininess of what they eat, Asian carp are almost impossible to catch with hook and line.
If you prefer tininess, the Sony and Olympus models will make you very happy.
She seemed to be leaning on his arm to a degree disproportionate to the tininess of the sticking plaster on her knee.
Nolte's eyes are slits in dough, and his huge gestures might be an attempt to compensate for their tininess.
The smallness of Marfa is underscored by the tininess of every settlement around it.
At the moment, most people in search of tininess would be better off buying a MiniDV camcorder.
I remember being astonished at the tininess of the blade, and noting that there was something different in the ring on the hand that held it.
That was the picture that stayed with Holroyd, the tininess of the town, the immensity of the land.
And its tininess.