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And he loved her nose, with its little tip-tilted end.
The eyes shone huge and turquoise in a pert, tip-tilted face.
She bit her lip and a yearning look came into her tip-tilted eyes.
The deep brown eyes were out of proportion to her small, tip-tilted nose and far too dark in her pale, nearly white face.
Pink face, tip-tilted nose and chubby knees - a novice at life.
He glanced back, and down, into a pair of jade green eyes, slightly tip-tilted in a soft, oval face.
The tip-tilted bill was noted to perfection, as was the mantle, finely spotted white.
Coffee-brown, tip-tilted eyes touched her, went on to scan the room for potential dangers, and returned to her.
I dont want to hear about yourpains, she said, still pouting hut smiling at him from tip-tilted eyes.
The other side revealed a charming tip-tilted profile and little golden curls clustering over a shell-like ear.
She glanced up, which gave him a chance to dwell on luminous eyes, tip-tilted nose, lips always parted as if in a child's eagerness.
Someone is holding up a lanthorn and Pythagoras' tip-tilted nose shines with a ruddy glow.
She has a generous mouth, a tip-tilted nosemerry eyes, wonderful hazel eyes.'
She was always a pretty woman, with wide-spaced blue-grey eyes, a tip-tilted nose and deep dimples when she smiled.
Dinny wrinkled her rather tip-tilted nose.
Dark-skinned, dark-haired Fironese all, with tip-tilted black eyes.
But the eye also shrewdly judged; I smiled, wagged a warning finger, saw the tip-tilted ears flick up.
Yar climbed up slippery aerodynamic planes not meant to be walked on, and slid into the tip-tilted cabin.
Tip-tilted nose.
Hopper wrote that the "scattering of freckles across her tip-tilted nose give her an Occidental flavor".
His pairwork turns fish dives into tip-tilted poetry, and he echoes his ballerina’s every pose with unfailing synchronicity.
He glanced at her; she was looking straight ahead; her profile looked disapproving, her tip-tilted nose in the air, her chin lifted.