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She really wanted to know him, but the act was getting tiresome.
She is the most tiresome girl I ever hope to meet.
She's a very old woman and she may be getting tiresome.
What can he mean by being so tiresome as to be always coming here?
A short game to begin with, it was already growing tiresome.
But that one little thing is very tiresome after a while.
So tiresome - I had to come back for it.
Also, will it get tiresome over a period of several years.
Some of us have already heard more than enough about this tiresome individual.
Any chance you provide some of that tiresome thing known as evidence?
There were still many days when he could be very tiresome.
And then she asked herself again that old tiresome question, was there no middle way?
Almost like children released from a tiresome class, they left.
She had expected this but it was tiresome all the same.
This might not seem like a big deal at the start, but it can be quickly become tiresome.
When they come home they'll be a little tiresome about London for a long time.
The author's point, that these people can be tiresome, is made.
"From my home I can see three different ones, and they never grow tiresome to look at."
Anything more than 48 hours, and it starts to get tiresome.
It was no more than a tiresome background to his work.
Still, it'd be too tiresome to let it go on all through dinner.
How tiresome to be a girl and kept out of so many exciting things!
A group of kids who have just graduated from school find working life tiresome.
But I am neither in nor out of the world, a very tiresome position.
She tried to sing a little, and found it tiresome.