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That could have been said in order to titillate me.
They are designed to titillate the market without giving away information.
Uncomfortable, and sort of titillating all at the same time.
Miles was titillated with the attention, but he still listened to his mother.
We are not looking to be titillated by a peculiar show.
It is not just the music and lights that must titillate.
"I'll not be titillating you with the nature of these tensions "
"It can be titillating for the child in a way.
Why are we so shocked and titillated by young women who kill?
Still, you have to feel powerful to be titillated by even a small revolution.
Yeah, I guess it depends on what titillates you at the end of the day.
Titillating details of their love life became public once her husband murdered White.
They had no goal other than to titillate the senses in a big way.
It was the only remotely titillating bit in the whole movie.
He seemed shocked in a different way, more stunned than titillated.
I was young enough to be titillated by the use of a swear word so casually.
"Do you ask out of true concern, or to titillate your own male lust?"
Above all, they say, he is a nice guy, with little in his personal life to titillate the curious and suspicious.
The purpose is simply to entertain, titillate - and, oh yes, to make money.
However titillating this point of view was in 1974, it has long since lost its power to startle.
But they are paid, like the tabloids in England, to titillate their public.
Nor, I suspect, should we titillate them very often with performances like this.
"What titillated us is that cooking has become such a recreational activity," he said.
It aims instead to titillate gardeners with something new and easy to bring to market, no matter where.
She wants to please like a child and titillate like a woman.