The foliage tips are now usually added to wine or brandy for such medicinal consumption.
Just need to work out now how to convert tea to brandy for chilly autumn leaf burning afternoons.
Apparently the Dutch considered it superior to brandy as a "liqueur."
She'd been trained how to prepare a properly impressive menu, what wines to order and what brandy to serve.
He has taken to brandy in the face of his imminent ruin.
Outside in the corridor, where the crowd of waiting generals and orderlies had turned from coffee to brandy, the cry was taken up.
He drank more Wild Turkey, then switched to brandy with her.
This term is also applied to grape-based brandy other than armagnac and cognac.
I began to wonder if I were any the worse for my last bottle, and decided to steady myself with coffee and brandy.
It is like treating your alcoholism by switching from whiskey to brandy and wondering why it never works.