They do not know how to communicate their ideas to caregivers or others.
This may be due to caregivers neglecting their own needs in order to improve the care of the patient.
Information specific to survivors, caregivers, family, women, and children is included.
It often is up to family members or other caregivers to watch for signs that the person should not be driving anymore.
Four days after the quake, from a data center in a parking lot, the agency turned out 2,800 checks worth $1.3 million to local caregivers.
What support will you provide to my family or caregivers?
No child should suffer an injury or worse simply because safety information didn't get to parents, teachers, and caregivers.
Services that may be useful to caregivers include the following:
The plan would also offer financial assistance, training programs and counseling to caregivers.
"When a child is of this tender age, she gives all her trust to caregivers," he said.