Because the way I figure it, when it comes to helpful hints about polishing the silver, who could possibly know better?
An end to hints and sweet, lying promises.
But he had been too busy worrying about his own survival to pay much attention to vague hints of terrible danger to come.
In his enthusiasm he is perfectly impervious to hints or remonstrances.
Burning Tower wanted to go, but they hadn't sent anyone she knew well enough to ask, and no one responded to hints.
Hadn't much the same thing happened to her father, hints and innuendoes that had ruined his life?
Throughout the story Green had been exposed to hints that his girlfriend exists in both worlds.
Some websites offer useful free resources to family historians in addition to helpful hints and tips.
It remains to be seen whether the potted-topiary set will take to a place with a strong Latino flavor and hints of hard times.
But nobody seemed to know just what the status of the marriage was, and Laura offered no comment, nor did she respond to hints.