"to lifestyle" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "to lifestyle" in inglés

the image to "lifestyle" in Polish
  1. styl życia [COUNTABLE]
    When she got pregnant, she had to completely change her lifestyle.
    He is determined to change his lifestyle.
    consulta también: lifestylowy

Frases relacionadas — "to lifestyle"

life = życie (okres pomiędzy narodzinami a śmiercią) +6 significados
biography , also: bio , also: life = biografia
Consulta también: get life

"to lifestyle" — Collocation dictionary inglés

to lifestyle collocation
More popular variant: to a lifestyle
Automatic translation (We do not guarantee its correctness): do stylu życia
  1. to preposición + lifestyle sustantivo
    Loose collocation

    It's also important to pay attention to your health and lifestyle.

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