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A lifestyle is a way of living or doing things.
But can having no place to live actually be a lifestyle?
If this is too much for your current lifestyle, you're not alone.
What lifestyle changes can I make to help me feel better?
A few lifestyle changes will probably help you feel better.
If so how are they expected to change their lifestyle?
Of what interest could her present lifestyle be to him?
I think a lot of it is based on lifestyle needs.
What changes do I need to make in my lifestyle?
I want to give lifestyle changes more time to work.
It's also important to pay attention to your health and lifestyle.
See how to set up a plan that'll work for your lifestyle.
He says things like "The lifestyle of kids for the first time in history is something we study."
The doctor will ask you questions about your health and lifestyle.
Some people are able to do that through lifestyle changes alone.
"Nothing can change a lifestyle more than having a baby."
The road is most well known for its high quality lifestyle.
Human life, and especially the current Western lifestyle, is much less certain.
Having one child has become a lifestyle choice among my friends.
It can be hard to make lifestyle changes on your own.
There must be many who are happy with the lifestyle?
And I must tell you, it did not take long to get used to this lifestyle.
Why did he have to write a book and change their whole lifestyle?
When people get back, they try to share the story, and change their lifestyle.
And it's a good idea to make lifestyle changes at the same time.