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She asked the Lord every morning to watch over my life.
Even more important to him was his work for the Lord.
Lord knows, I had been known to do the same.
I still have no idea where the Lord is going to lead me.
Lord knows the woman could have used a better one.
Lord, what more than little good has Your death done?
One of them has gone to be with the Lord at age three.
But the Lord can lead his people by the hand.
Did the Lord want me to fall in love with her?
But first I want two things from you, my lord.
But we had to give our money to the Lord.
Open your heart and let the light of the Lord come in.
I thought the Lord wanted me to go on with my life.
But in the mean time he wants less, my lord.
Not every lord takes care of his people as my father does.
He was beginning to see how his lord could make future use of them.
Lord knew, he tried to be a real husband to her.
I have no idea what my lord is talking about.
Such as she says my lord did say I was.
Perhaps he was not too close to my lord after all.
Lord, what else do You have in mind for me?
I know not why You call these old things back again, my lord.
He could almost hear him, and their lord father as well.
All men know how much we love you, my lord.
Lord, do You want me to stay or go back?