This was at least partly due to the lower incidence of diaphragmatic injuries in children.
Research has prompted many solutions to the increasing incidence of acid throwing in the world.
The difference may be due to the increased incidence of breast cancer in females.
The answer to the high incidence of crime lies not simply in more effective law enforcement - that will never work well enough.
Social class is also closely related to the incidence of divorce.
This result is added to the incidence from known pathogens to get a total.
Otherwise, there's no sense in measuring it from a point 20 years ago and relating that to the incidence of disease today.
These figures are similar to the incidence calculated in the west Midlands using independent data.
Nevertheless, these individuals contribute only a small percentage (<25%) to the overall incidence of sudden death in the general population.
Discussions have related to the incidence of crime in the area and the police response to it.