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They were all working in open toed sandals taken from the shoe store up the road.
Beneath it was a toed foot with claws as long as his arms.
His white tennis sneakers had given way to open toed leather thong sandals.
He kicks the front fender with an open toed sandal and shakes his head.
Sandals, open toed shoes, and soft sole shoes are not permitted.
It has a tremendous depth of shoulder and exceedingly short, stocky fore legs, which are supplied with three toed feet.
Caesar's beloved warhorse, Toes, was nibbling nearby, its strange toed feet almost concealed by the grass.
The Jelaba favour pointed toed leather slippers.
Before the revolution of 1911, the display of five toed dragons was restricted to the offices of the Emperor.
This is particularly the case in ill-fitting shoes that are too narrow or too short, however any toed shoes may cause an ingrown nail.
Aziz Jamil was wearing yellow babouches (curly toed mules), a navy djellaba and a cell phone.
This loop also feature's Green Iguanas, a Baird's tapir a family of capybara and a two toed sloth.
In this area you can find various birds species which include the black stork, short toed eagle, golden eagle, long-legged buzzard, black woodpecker, crag martin and the red-rumped swallow.
The button is arranged in the form of a three toed paw, with the activation button being the main paw pad, and three smaller buttons being the toe pads.
For Simon and me, short light coloured macs, mohair sweaters, slim Jim ties, tight trousers and chisel toed shoes were obligatory for our adolescent cultural trips to the cinema.
Even Phenacodus, the most generalized of the early mammals, has a foot in which the central toe is somewhat larger than the others and could be placed in the division of odd toed ungulates, Perissidactyla.
Kolhapuri Chappals or Kolhapuris as they are commonly referred to are a style of open toed, T-strap sandal which originate from Kolhapur, a southern district in the state of Maharashtra.
Clad in all black clothing, of the style which was practically de rigueur for a cowhand from Texas, except that his sharp toed boots had low heels, the most recent arrival upon the scene was tall, with a whipcord slender build and Indian dark, almost babyishly handsome features which made him appear very young.
Tal Chappar wild life sanctuary comes alive with the chirping of various migratory birds including montagur's, marsh harrier, pale harrier, imperial eagle, tawny eagle, short toed eagle, sparrow hawk, skylark, crested lark, ring drove, brown dove, blue jay, green bee eaters, black ibis and demoiselle cranes.