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With the construction of the Qingzang railway, the cost of transportation of both passengers and goods should be greatly reduced, allowing for an increase in volume—the cost per tonne-kilometer will be reduced from 0.38 RMB to 0.12 RMB.
A benchmark based on emissions per tonne-kilometre seems the best way forward.
For any truck operator, minimising the cost per tonne-kilometre is imperative.
Lorries, on average, emit 59 grams of carbon per tonne-kilometre.
"Tonne-kilometre" should be replaced by "fuel burn-fleet age" throughout the text.
In 1990, the energy intensity of freight transportation was about 1.3 MJ per tonne-kilometre.
Charging structures typically comprise a flagfall charge per train and a variable use charge per tonne-kilometre.
Output was calculated by combining the tonne-kilometre figure with an estimate of the average freight rate per tonne-kilometre.
Rail is five times more fuel-efficient than inter-city truck and generates one-fifth of the greenhouse gas emissions of truck per tonne-kilometre.
Energy used by the rail freight sector declined six per cent with large trucks using up to 9.2 times as much energy as rail (per tonne-kilometre)...
Per tonne-kilometre, inland waterway transport is extremely energy-efficient and is regarded as one of the most environmentally-friendly and safest modes of transport.
Information on subsidies on a per tonne-kilometre and passenger-kilometre basis has not been provided; however, that information would provide additional assistance in determining the economic efficiency of subsidies.
Tonne-kilometre offered A tonne-kilometre is offered when one tonne of carrying capacity in a merchant ship is sailed over one kilometre.
This method incorporates the use of tonne-kilometre (t-km) activity data reported by Canadian airlines both domestically and abroad and regionally allocates the fuel sold using a comparison of passenger traffic.
On the Commercial/Institutional side, energy intensity has improved as measured by the GDP (energy per unit of GDP) or the weight of freight hauled (energy per tonne-kilometre).
The verified 2014 tonne-kilometre report, which forms part of the application, must be based on the full scope of EU ETS as defined in the EU ETS Directive.
In its Options Paper, the Transportation Climate Change Task Force notes that the GHG emissions associated with rail is less than 20 grams per tonne-kilometre, while that for trucking was more than 100 grams.